Writing Intensive Course (as indicated by a superscript “w”)
At least course taken to satisfy the World Languages/Diversity Elective, Humanities, Social Science, and Religious Studies Electives, REL 100 , or ME 201 must be a Writing Intensive Course. A list of courses approved as a Writing Intensive Course is provided on General Education Requirements .
Writing in the Discipline (as indicated by a superscript “d”)
At least one course must be a Writing in the Discipline course.
Capstone Writing Assignment
The Capstone Writing Assignment (CWA) requirement may be fulfilled by completing a department-designated assignment, often assigned in capstone courses. Senior standing recommended.
Cooperative Education
Courses GE 481 -GE 483 are graded S/U only.
World Language/Diversity Elective
Students will take three credits from either world languages at the 102 level or above or from the diversity list beginning on General Education Requirements .
Humanities, Social Science, Religious Studies Electives
Students will take six credits from the approved list of Humanities courses, Social Sciences courses, or Religious Studies courses. Courses may be from the same area or from different areas. See General Education Requirements for Humanities and Social Sciences courses.
MCAT Preparation
Students participating in the Biomedical Track that wish to take the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) should take SOC 110 - Introduction to Sociology (3 credits that count towards Humanities, Social Science, Religious Studies Electives) and PSY 110 - General Psychology (3 credits).
Bioengineering Electives
Additional bioengineering and mechanical engineering courses are to be selected to provide areas of individual study emphasis from the following courses: BE 200 , BE 468 , ME 253 , ME 353 , ME 361 , ME 362 , ME 364 , ME 365 , ME 366 , ME 367 , ME 368 , ME 369 , ME 374 , ME 405 , ME 452, ME 453 , ME 455 , ME 456 , ME 457 , ME 467 , and multiple sections of BE 490 or ME 490 . Other courses may be used to satisfy this elective with the approval of the department faculty. Only three hours of BE 499 or ME 499 course credits may be applied as an BE elective.
Courses which fulfill bioengineering elective requirements are indicated with a superscript “b”: (…)b.