University Library Resources, Services, and Facility
As the intellectual center of campus, the Christopher Center for Library and Information Resources (The CCLIR) is a welcoming, state-of-the-art learning environment that also serves as an important campus social center. The Christopher Center Library is where people and information meet to bring about discovery and build knowledge with integrity. In an effort to enhance student learning and information literacy, we aim to create an inclusive environment where the campus community can ask hard questions engage in scholarly conversations, and contribute to society with critical thought and compassion.
Accessed via its website, the Christopher Center Library has robust digital collections with over 170 database subscriptions. Through our databases and individual subscriptions, the Library provides access to over 130,000 journal titles. Books (both print and ebooks) are an important format for the delivery of in-depth or lengthy scholarly information. The Library owns over 320,000 print volumes and over 13,000 ebooks. The Stager Collection books (by the Café on first floor) support students’ casual and recreational reading.
Library faculty play an important role in the University’s mission to create a community of learning, grounded in scholarship, faith, and service. Library faculty apply their professional knowledge by teaching in both formal and informal settings; selecting, acquiring, and organizing material; and providing guidance so users can create and access information intelligently, efficiently, and with integrity. Each librarian-taught instruction session is based on the course assignment and needs, with sessions that range in content from a basic introduction to the Library and its many resources to subject-specific research concepts and skills. Designed to complement the instruction students receive in their classes, these hands-on sessions address college-level research and writing learning objectives. Students are highly encouraged to schedule individual research consultations with library faculty.
The CCLIR itself has an important role in student academic achievement. It is home to all University library faculty and staff, services, resources, and materials; the publicly accessible Information Technology Help Desk; the Academic Success Center; the Access & Accommodations Resource Center; the campus Writing Center; and the University Archives & Special Collections. The 105,000-square-foot building is open just under 100 hours per week when classes are in session and 40 to 50 hours per week during various interim periods. The four-story building is infused throughout with wellness-supporting spaces and resources; it supports student work with 25 collaboration/group study rooms, computers, quiet floors, a coffee shop, and two instruction classrooms. During the academic year, the Community Room (2nd floor) is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for use by students, faculty, and staff. Users may access the space by swiping their Valpo OneCard; hours may vary during extended academic breaks and the summer.
Information Technology
The Office of Information Technology (IT) coordinates and manages all aspects of technology on campus. From servers and data networks to communications systems and classroom technology, IT assists the campus community in a multitude of ways.
The Valparaiso University Network
IT manages services which provide secure email, websites, administrative data, shared file space, network printing, general productivity software, discipline-specific applications, and many other functions.
Residence hall rooms, offices, classrooms, laboratories, and special-purpose computer labs are connected to the Valparaiso University network via wired or wireless access. This network provides access to the internet, printing, network storage space, library resources, and a variety of other applications. For those living off campus or away from campus, the department has provided opportunities to connect to campus computers that may contain important software programs to which users might not otherwise have access.
Computer Access for Students
While students are welcome to come to campus with personal computers, laptops, tablets, personal printers and mobile devices, they also have access to computers and printers all across campus. Each residence hall has a computer lab open 24 hours per day for residents with multiple workstations and network printer access. All residence hall rooms have both wired and wireless access available, allowing those who bring their own computers and/or smart-TVs to connect to the campus network. For non-residential students, there is a computer lab in the Harre Union that is also available 24 hours per day through access with their Valpo ID (OneCard). Other computer labs and printers are located across campus in academic buildings and the Christopher Center (Library). Many campus printers can be accessed wirelessly from personal computers using our PaperCut system as well, which allows students access to an established quota from which they may print all year.
Assistance with Resources
The IT Help Desk, located on the first floor of the Christopher Center, is managed by professional staff and student consultants who will answer technology-related questions and route service requests (ITickets) to technical staff. The Help Desk should be the first stop for assistance with campus technology, and OneCard related issues. The IT staff is accessible in a variety of ways, including online (, email (, phone (219.464.5678), and in person. We are staffed 7 days a week during the academic year!
The IT staff can assist with questions regarding email, web browsers, anti-virus/anti-malware applications, printing, word processing, spreadsheets, databases, desktop publishing, an online course management system, an online registration and records system, statistical analysis software, presentation graphics, mobile device connectivity, and more. If a campus member needs assistance with technology, the IT team is there to help!