The Bachelor of Science in Integrated Business and Engineering requires each student to maintain a minimum University cumulative grade point average of 2.250, a minimum business cumulative grade point average of 2.250, and a minimum engineering/math/science core grade point average of 2.000. Courses to be included in the business grade point average are those identified with the prefix ACC, BAN, BLAW, BUS, ENT, FIN, MGT, MKT, or SCM. Students must earn a grade of C- or better in all business prefix courses in order to graduate.
Students transferring from Engineering into the Bachelor of Science in Integrated Business and Engineering degree may choose not to have one or more of the following engineering/math/science courses count in their GPA calculation. The courses are as follows: ME 209 , ME 215 /CE 215 (cross-listed), and/or ECE 221 . While these will not be counted for GPA calculation or credit, they will show on the transcript with a grade of X followed by the earned letter grade.