Mar 03, 2025  
2025-2026 General Catalog 
2025-2026 General Catalog


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Learn more about the Department of Education at Valpo online.

Professor Gary; Assistant Professors Bartels, Boche.

The Education Department at Valparaiso University prepares teachers for Lutheran, public, and private schools. The major program of study leads to Indiana licensure for elementary teaching.


Valparaiso University is accredited by the Indiana Department of Education as a teacher education institution to meet Indiana licensure requirements, and by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) at both undergraduate and graduate levels to prepare elementary teachers; Valparaiso University is also a member of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) and the Indiana Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (IACTE).


Students must meet Indiana state teacher licensure and education program requirements. Please note that the requirements for licensure in Indiana are subject to change by the state and may affect education student requirements at any time.

The mere completion of the prescribed courses outlined by the Education Department does not guarantee that the student will be recommended for licensure or a teaching position.

For a listing of all programs offered, see College of Arts and Sciences  or the Indiana Department of Education website

Elementary Education

Students who seek licensure as an elementary teacher must complete the requirements of the Bachelor of Science in Education degree with a major in Elementary Education and either a Rules for Educator Preparation and Accountability (REPA) content area minor or a REPA content area major approved for certification by the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE).

The Teacher Education Program

The Teacher Education Pathway to Professional Licensure (PPL) provides three checkpoints that education students progress through toward program completion and licensure. Please note that degree completion is not the same as licensure. You must have a degree AND complete licensure.

PPL Checkpoint 1: Entry into the Practice

PPL Checkpoint 1 is the first of three checkpoints in the Teacher Education Pathway to Professional Licensure (PPL) and is your formal request for entrance into the Teacher Education program. Students will apply to the Teacher Education program. Transfer students should contact the Education Department to obtain an application and information. Transfer credits will be evaluated by the licensing director. The application process may take one semester.

The criteria for admission to education are:

  1. Grade point average

Must have a minimum of 12 credit hours at Valparaiso University and a grade of C+ or better in all required education coursework (any coursework with ED or SPED prefixes).

  1. Grades in Foundations Education Course Work

Grade of C+ or better: ED 206 , ED 210 , ED 220 , ED 215  

  1. Dispositions

Must demonstrate the dispositions necessary for success in the teaching profession.

Dispositions are the “habits of professional action and moral commitments that underlie an educator’s performance.”

Each semester, students’ dispositions are assessed formally and informally by Valpo Education faculty and staff, field experience supervisors and cooperating teachers. Dispositional concerns, as they arise, are communicated directly to the student and, if necessary, remediation steps are outlined. Persistent dispositional concerns (e.g. excessive absences, poor communication) may result in probation or dismissal from the program.

  1. Declared Major or Complementary Major

Must declare one of the following majors in the Office of the Registrar: Elementary Education or Music Education E. Continuation of Teacher Education Program

Continuation in the Teacher Education program at Valparaiso University is contingent upon meeting all university and teacher education requirements listed above. Teacher education candidates should pay particular attention to the following:

  1. Earning a minimum C+ or higher in every required education course. If a teacher candidate does not earn the minimum grade of C+ in a required education class, they will be allowed to take that course one additional time. If a C+ or higher is not earned the second time the course is taken, this will result in the teacher candidate being dismissed from  the teacher education program. The teacher candidate should immediately contact the education department and content area advisor to discuss additional degree options.
  2. Maintaining consistent, positive professional dispositions necessary for success in the teaching profession. Dispositional concerns (e.g. excessive absences, poor communication) may result in probation or dismissal from the program.

PPL Checkpoint 2: Entry into the Professional Semester

Completion of the Checkpoint 2 requirements are necessary prior to your professional/student teaching semester.

The criteria for admission to the Professional Semester in education are:

  1. Official Admission to the Teacher Education Program

Must have already successfully completed PPL Checkpoint 1

  1. Grade Point Average

Must have a minimum of 12 credit hours at Valparaiso University and grades of C+ or better in all required education coursework (any coursework with ED or SPED prefixes).

  1. Senior standing

Must be within two semesters and one summer of graduation

  1. Dispositions

Must demonstrate the dispositions necessary for success in the teaching profession. Each semester, students’ dispositions are assessed formally and informally by VU Education faculty and staff, field experience supervisors and cooperating teachers. Dispositional concerns, as they arise, are communicated directly to the student and, if necessary, remediation steps are outlined. Persistent dispositional concerns (e.g. excessive absences, poor communication) may result in probation or dismissal from the program.

  1. Certification/Training

Must complete CPR, Heimlich, and AED certification as well as suicide prevention training prior to starting the professional semesterThis is subject to change with state requirements.

  1. Content Area Licensure Examinations

Must take and pass the appropriate Indiana Department of Education licensure examinations at the required times. Each semester, the coordinator of licensure will communicate key deadlines for licensure exams. Before the professional semester, teacher candidates must take and pass their content exam. Each  teacher candidate must take both of the required content and pedagogy tests by the deadlines set by the Education Department each semester.

  1. Continuation in the Teacher Education Program

Continuation in the teacher education program at Valparaiso University is contingent upon meeting all university and teacher education requirements listed above. Teacher Education candidates should pay particular attention to the following: 

  1. Earning a minimum C+ or higher grade in every required education class. If a teacher candidate does not earn the grade of C+, they will be allowed to take the course one additional time. If a C+ or higher is still not earned the second time the course is taken this will result in the teacher candidate being dismissed from the teacher education program. The teacher candidate should immediately contact the education department advisor, content area advisor, and field work director to discuss degree and program options. Failure to address GPA or grade concerns in a timely manner could result in the inability to student teach and/or graduate as scheduled.
  2. Maintaining consistent, positive professional dispositions necessary for success in the teaching profession. Dispositional concerns (e.g. excessive absences, poor communication) may result in probation or dismissal from the program.

PPL Checkpoint 3: Entry in the Profession

Required of all candidates who wish to be recommended for an initial teaching license, this semester includes coursework, student teaching, and submission of the PPL Checkpoint 3 requirements.

  1. Completion of Student Teaching & ED 445 Seminar

Must earn a S grade in student teaching and C+ or higher in ED 445 Seminar

  1. Completion of edTPA

Successful submission of edTPA. Scores of 2 or better in each rubric and/or remediation plan

  1. Complete application for Initial Teaching License

Placement in Field Experiences/Student Teaching

The Teacher Education Program involves coursework that requires significant amounts of field experience. The placement and direction of all practicum experiences are the responsibility of the Director of Field Placement. Teacher candidates may not receive any compensation for work done in a school while receiving University course credit for the work.

A criminal background check is required annually prior to the first day of any fieldwork in the department. Discovery of a criminal record may delay or preclude field assignments. Students are responsible for arranging their own transportation to assigned schools. Note: Students are responsible for signing the student transportation form at the onset of the Education program.

Placement of Graduating Teachers

The Field Placement Office assists beginning and experienced teacher candidates who have completed requirements for licensure. All candidates are encouraged to file their credentials with this office before graduation.

Students who complete their education at Valparaiso University are entitled to use the placement services at no cost until September 30 after the completion of the licensure program.

Appeal Process

Students may appeal PPL Checkpoint decisions to the chair of the Education Department. The appeal must be made in writing within 2 weeks of the decision with explanation, rationale for appeal, and attachment of all related forms and correspondence.

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