2025-2026 General Catalog
Communication and Visual Arts
Learn more about the Department of Communication and Visual Arts at Valpo online.
Professors Chikeleze, Wolff (chair); Associate Professors C. Anderson, Bell, S. Jantzi, Steinwart, Tomasek; Assistant Professor Krepp; Lecturers B. Brobst-Renaud, Oren
The Communication and Visual Arts (CVA) Department educates students in one of the most integral aspects of human behavior- the development and expression of ideas through various modalities. The department offers three degree paths including art, communication, and digital media arts, with opportunities for students to customize their concentrations.
CVA students are encouraged to skillfully and ethically explore their ideas through creative thinking and problem-solving in a supportive environment surrounded by dedicated mentors and collaborators. Whether the preferred medium is writing, speaking, drawing, painting, design, photography, or cinema, students will find a home for their passion and creativity to flourish in our interdisciplinary program. By emphasizing both individual expression and creative collaboration, students learn to deliver exceptional content for a diverse audience.
While examining aspects of culture, persuasion, art, and media, to name a few, students will put theory into practice by serving our community through applied projects and hands-on internships. Cultural resources on campus-such as the outstanding collection of American art in Valparaiso University’s Brauer Museum of Art-and in nearby Chicago are integral to the curricula. Majors may lead to a variety of careers or graduate study in fields such as journalism, public relations, broadcasting, branding, marketing, advertising, entertainment, museum curation, gallery sales, art education, and much more.
Cooperative Education
Qualifying students may participate in prearranged, approved, professional work experiences. During their employment, students are financially reimbursed by the cooperating employer. Credits earned in this program apply toward the major and may substitute for internship requirements. For further information, refer to Cooperative Education, College of Arts and Sciences .
Cinema and Media Studies Minor
The Department of Communication also offers several courses, including CVA 271 , CVA 291 , CVA 324 , CVA 270 , as well as certain CVA 390 and CVA 490 classes that could count toward the interdisciplinary Cinema and Media Studies Minor. For further information, refer to Cinema and Media Studies Interdisciplinary Programs .
Students completing one of the three department majors together with the degree requirements of the College of Arts and Sciences fulfill requirements for the Bachelor of Arts degree.
Approval of Schedules
All students pursuing a major or minor in Communication and Visual Arts must have their schedules approved by their departmental advisor at the beginning of each semester.
Special Opportunities
Television/Radio Studio
The department teaches all television and audio classes in its two tele-production studios, digital sound suite, and digital video editing lab. The studios are fully equipped for all levels of video and audio production and provide a quality laboratory experience. Digital video and audio editing facilities interface with the studios and are available for student video and audio work. The Weather Studio features a WSI weather graphics satellite feed. Students also intern in area television, radio and cable stations, and at video production companies.
Student Organizations
The department offers co-curricular opportunities with award-winning student-run campus media, including WVUR Radio ‒ The Source 95.1, VUTV campus cable channel, The Torch weekly campus newspaper, and The Beacon annual yearbook. The department sponsors a chapter of the National Communication Association’s Lambda Pi Eta honor society and has an active student chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA).