Mar 31, 2025  
2023-2024 General Catalog 
2023-2024 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Life

The University accepts and practices the view that a liberal education concerns the growth of the whole person. Its residential and co-curricular life encourages students to develop their full potentials, complementing and enriching their academic curricula.

The Student Life Division coordinates the various aspects of student life and proactively engages in the holistic development of students to learn, grow, and strive toward their fullest potential within an inclusive and supportive community.

Student Conduct and the Honor System

Valparaiso University holds to the ideal of a community of Christian scholars living together in freedom and civility, in an environment conducive to Christian faith and supportive of the Christian ethic. A minimum number of rules and regulations is necessary for this community; these are found principally in the STUDENT HANDBOOK, located on the General Counsel website.

Each student enrolling at Valparaiso University thereby accepts the rules, regulations, and procedures as found in this catalog and the STUDENT HANDBOOK. Conformity to the traditions and regulations of the University is expected. The University reserves the right to suspend or dismiss any student at any time when, in the judgment of its authorities, that action is deemed to be in the best interests of the institution. Such a decision is normally made by the Vice President for Student Life on the recommendation of the Campus Judicial Board.

The student-initiated Honor System has a long history at Valparaiso University and is a strong distinguishing characteristic of the institution. It is in every way consistent with the highest principles of Christian ethics and morality. In sanctioning the Honor System, the University presumes that students are able and willing to accept the duties and responsibilities of honorable conduct for the sake of the Valparaiso University community. All entering students must agree that they understand the Honor System and are aware that all of their academic work must be submitted under their signature and that they have done this work in agreement with the Honor Code. The statement “I have neither given or received nor have I tolerated others’ use of unauthorized aid” must be written out and signed on all written work.

Under the Honor System, all written examinations of any length are taken in an atmosphere free from the surveillance of a proctor, unless specifically requested. Every student has the responsibility to keep academic work free of dishonesty; that is, neither to give nor to receive unauthorized aid. All students must report to the Honor Council any violation of the system of which they become aware. Students are required to sign a pledge on all work submitted for academic credit as indicated above.

The Honor Council is an educational, preventive, remedial, and judicial body with the duty of maintaining the Honor System in the academic community. The council hears Honor Code cases and then makes decisions about whether or not a student has violated the code and assesses any penalties. The council is composed of students and faculty. The students are chosen by the incumbent members subject to the approval of the president of the University, and the faculty members are elected by the faculty.

The Arts

The mission of the programs in the visual and performing arts at Valparaiso University is to engage in, learn from, and celebrate a wide variety of artistic expressions and heritages. The University offers students a range of arts opportunities through its general education curriculum; co-curricular activities in art, music, theatre, dance, creative writing, and student media organizations; and various academic majors and minors in communication and visual arts, English, music, and theatre. Such opportunities enable students to bring creativity to the forefront of their leadership and service on campus and across the regional community.


The Department of Music offers all students the opportunity to study and perform as singers and instrumentalists in an array of curricular and co-curricular ensembles. Students wishing to perform in selective ensembles may audition for the Valparaiso University Chorale, the University Symphony Orchestra, the Kantorei, Jazz Ensemble, the Luce Concert Band, and the Chamber Concert Band, as well as a variety of chamber ensembles including Woodwind Quintet, String Quartet, Percussion Ensemble, Brass Ensemble, Handbell Choir, and others. The Community/University Concert Band, New Music Ensemble, and Jazz Combos are open to all students with no audition required. Additional student-organized performing groups include Pep Band, Matins Choir, and various a cappella singing groups. For an additional charge, a limited number of students may enroll in private music lessons in voice, piano, guitar, organ, and most orchestral and band instruments.


The University Theatre brings the best of classic drama, new plays, and dance to the Valparaiso University Center for the Arts. Theatre opportunities are available for any student interested in dramatic arts. Theatre work is focused in the areas of performance, production, management, and outreach theatre. Opportunities exist for advanced students to design, supervise, or manage in all areas.


The Department of Communication and Visual Arts offers studio courses in painting, drawing, digital art, video art, design, graphic design, photography, and art history. Student and faculty work, as well as the work of other distinguished artists, is exhibited in the Brauer Museum of Art, in the Strimbu Gallery on the second floor of the Center for the Arts, and in the permanent collection at the Christopher Center for Library and Information Resources. Our students have opportunities to develop publishing and production skills by working with The Lighter, The Torch, and other campus publications. Several internships are available to students on and off-campus.
Summer programs of study in Europe or Asia are also available to provide students with immediate experience of diverse cultural heritages, in addition to all regular world studies programming during the academic year.


Through learning and participating in dance, students are able to reflect on the ways dance is part of the human experience and part of their own lives. Each semester students may choose from a number of different dance courses offered through the Department of Theatre. Styles covered may include: ballet, tap, jazz, modern, and musical theatre styles.

University Dance Ensemble

Under the leadership of Department of Theatre faculty, the University Dance Ensemble meets regularly throughout the academic year for technique classes and choreography. All University students are welcome to audition for the Dance Ensemble. Academic credit can be given for those students choreographing or performing in the annual Concert of Dance. Dance Ensemble auditions are held at the beginning of the fall semester.

Professional and Public Writing

The English Department offers majors and minors in professional and public writing. The department sponsors the Margot Ann Uehling Scholarship, awarded annually for the best essay written by a Valparaiso University student. WORDFEST annually brings established writers to campus and awards prizes to Valparaiso University students for fiction, poetry, and nonfiction prose. The Cresset internship provides experience in editing and publishing. The Lighter, a biannual campus literary magazine, presents student work in award-winning form.


Valparaiso University provides a varied athletics program that assumes that sports can play a major role in college life by encouraging wide participation by the student body. The Athletics-Recreation Center and Fitness Center are major indoor facilities. Outdoor facilities include tennis courts, all-purpose intramural fields, and fields for varsity baseball, football, soccer, and softball. Although the University provides an experienced staff and takes every precaution to avoid injury to all participants in the intercollegiate and recreational sports programs, it assumes no responsibility for accidents; students participating in these activities do so at their own risk.

Recreational Sports/Intramurals

Valparaiso University is committed to a comprehensive program of recreational sports. A wide variety of team and individual sports are scheduled throughout the academic year. Students are also encouraged to participate in the many informal recreational activities, special events, fitness classes, and clinics offered by the Recreational Sports staff.

Intercollegiate Competition

Women’s sports offered are: basketball, bowling, cross country, golf, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, indoor and outdoor track and field, and volleyball. Membership is maintained in the National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I. The women’s teams participate in the Missouri Valley Conference and the Southland Bowling League.

Men’s sports offered are: football, golf, basketball, baseball, cross country, swimming, and indoor and outdoor track and field. Membership is maintained in the National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I. The men’s teams participate in the Missouri Valley Conference, the Mid American Conference, and the Pioneer Football League, an NCAA FCS Conference.

The Valley on ESPN

As a member of the Missouri Valley Conference, the University produces over 70 athletic productions for air on the family of ESPN networks. These productions originate from a state-of-the-art control room located in the ARC and use the same equipment that can be found in production trucks and studios. Students have the opportunity to be members of the production crew and work in on-air roles. These opportunities include camera operator, grip, audio, sideline reporters, graphics, and replay operators. The crew also produces the commencement ceremonies that happen on the Valparaiso University campus. For further information about getting on the crew,
please email

Publications and Broadcasting

Students are encouraged to work in any aspect of campus publications and broadcasting, including writing, editing, advertising, sales, photography, and layout. The student/faculty Committee on Media is responsible for the policies and regulations governing these activities.

The Beacon

The Beacon, the University yearbook, is designed and edited by students. It offers experience in graphic design, photography, and editorial work and is open to students from all academic disciplines.

The Lighter

The Lighter, a student literary magazine, is published twice a year and welcomes contributions from all members of the University student community. Art work, especially photography, is also a feature of this publication.

The Torch

The Torch is the student newspaper. A weekly publication, it covers a wide range of campus activities and involves students interested in all aspects of journalism.


The award winning Valparaiso University Television provides students with hands-on training and experience in television production. Students can gain experience as producers, directors, camera operators, editors, and on-air talent for a variety of news, educational features, and entertainment programs for the campus community. No prior experience is necessary. Delivery is through campus cable channel 15, a YouTube channel, and the Valparaiso University website along with live streaming. For information on The Valley on ESPN, see the above section on Athletics.


The campus radio station WVUR (95.1 FM) broadcasts to the local Valparaiso area community, and is also available worldwide as a webcast. The station is managed and operated by students, who DJ their own music shows, produce newscasts and weather reports, call broadcasts of VU sporting events, run remote broadcasts of Chapel services and other campus events, and produce podcasts, live interviews and other on-air programs.Academic Advising

Valparaiso University strives to empower students to reflect on their vocations, take ownership of their education and professional development, and to lead and serve in the ever-changing global community. Academic advising provides information about higher education processes, procedures, and program expectations. Entering students are assigned to an academic advisor to assist them in selecting a curriculum, meeting University requirements, and making the most of their studies.

Students who have not declared a major are assigned an exploratory advisor; however, as soon as students declare a major, they are assigned to a departmental advisor.

All students must meet with their academic advisors before students may register for classes each semester. The advising meeting indicates only that advisors have counseled the student on the best course selection to progress to degree attainment. Students should use the program evaluation (degree audit) option on DataVU to track their graduation requirements.

Access and Accommodations Resource Center (AARC)

Valparaiso University’s Access and Accommodations Resource Center coordinates university efforts to provide access and opportunity to students with disabilities, including students who have disabilities that are non-apparent. Students wanting to learn more about services or accommodations available to those with a documented disability should contact the AARC. Inquiries should be directed to the director of the AARC at 219.464.5206 or by email at Please note that students diagnoses remain confidential, despite communication with various entities on campus regarding students needs.

Steps involved in receiving accommodations from the AARC:

  1. Disclose disability to staff of the Access and Accommodations Resource Center (AARC). This can be done by contacting staff in the AARC located in CCLIR 165 and 164, or emailing them at
  2. After the student has disclosed a disability, AARC will ask the student to complete the Accommodation Request Form found on the office webpage. The form will also be emailed to students upon initial contact.
  3. Schedule an intake appointment with the staff of the Access and Accommodations Resource Center (AARC)mailto: to discuss specific needs and barriers.
  4. AARC will review documentation (attached in Accommodation Request form) and notes from intake meeting to determine the following
    • Does the student’s condition rise to the level of a disability as defined in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and with the Americans With Disabilities Act amended in 2008?
    • What are the functional limitations of the disability in an educational setting?
    • What, if any, accommodations would be reasonable and appropriate for the student?
  5. If a need for accommodations is determined, staff in the AARC will produce an accommodation letter that will be distributed to the student’s professors and academic advisor. These letters will verify disability (diagnosis not stated) and list reasonable accommodations. It is the student’s responsibility to discuss the listed accommodations with the professors and to arrange the usage of accommodations when applicable.
  6. If a student has problems relative to the provision of accommodations, the student should contact the AARC.

For further information, please refer to Valparaiso University’s Access and Accommodations Resource Center website:

Graduate Tutoring

Graduate content tutoring is coordinated with the Graduate Office in communication with the graduate program directors. Graduate tutoring is made available across program content areas to serve the academic needs of all graduate students. Tutoring is provided in a location that is determined by the program director and the instructor of the course in which tutoring is being provided. If a graduate student expresses interest in additional one-on-one tutoring for a particular class, an attempt will be made by the Graduate Office to find someone to help.

Graduate faculty and students are available to assist graduate students, and online writing assistance may be available.

Academic Support Services

Academic Learning Centers

There are four academic learning centers on campus: Academic Success Center (ASC), Hesse Learning Resource Center, Language Resource Center, and Judith L. Beumer Writing Center. These learning centers are united in purpose and distinct in service. Valpo students have access to numerous campus resources committed to success inside and outside the classroom. Students are encouraged to take advantage of the learning centers, where peer tutors are available to help them grow as writers, strengthen learning strategies, practice language skills, and thrive during their academic journey.


The learning centers provide free tutoring services in a variety of forms and venues across campus. Students experiencing difficulties with coursework, or students wanting to further improve their skills, should consider the following options:

  1. Work with the Professor - The first option for help in a course is usually for the student to work directly with the professor during weekly office hours. Frequently, simple concerns regarding coursework can be resolved by speaking to the professor.
  2. Help Sessions - Besides seeking support from the professor, the student should also seek help provided by departments, colleges, and learning centers. Some departments have undergraduate teaching assistants and student aides who provide group help sessions for first-year and second-year courses free of charge to students. Professional colleges also arrange academic support in conjunction with particular courses, and the university’s learning centers function to offer group and individual learning assistance.
  3. Tutoring - If help sessions are not available or have not met the need, then a student can seek tutoring opportunities from one of the campus learning centers. Each center connects students with tutors through a specific process. Some centers have an application process where students can request to be paired with a tutor for certain courses; pairing is based on individual needs and tutor availability. Other centers serve students through drop-in tutoring hours or online scheduling for individual or shared appointments. Students should contact the appropriate center to learn how to connect with a tutor for a specific course or subject. If students are uncertain where to begin, they should visit the welcome desk in the Academic Success Center (ground floor of the Christopher Center Library) for a referral.
  4. Study Groups - Students are also encouraged to gather in small groups and work with each other in mastering class material. This practice reinforces learning from daily lectures and supports good study habits.

Academic Success Center (ASC)

The ASC is located in the Christopher Center Library, Room 110, on the lower level by the Writing Center. For more information visit the ASC in person or online at, call 219.464.5985, or email

The ASC promotes academic achievement by connecting students with opportunities to enhance their learning, boost performance, and develop new study skills. In collaboration with other offices, ASC staff work to provide academic support services and programs that benefit the learning needs of students and advance their academic goals. The ASC promotes academic achievement through the following core programs and services:

  • Peer Tutoring Program (course-specific tutoring in many subjects at the 100-200 level)
  • Supplemental Instruction Program (weekly, peer-led, collaborative learning sessions in CHEM 111 /CHEM 121 /CHEM 122  and BIO 151 /BIO 152 /BIO 171 /BIO 172 )
  • GS 100 - Strategies for Academic Success  (1-credit study skills course)
  • Help Sessions (weekly assistance for 200- and 300-level nursing courses and organic chemistry)
  • Referral Services (connecting students to appropriate campus resources via email, phone, and drop-in visits)

Peer Tutoring Program

After seeking support from the professor, help sessions, and any available Supplemental Instruction sessions, a student can request a spot in the ASC Peer Tutoring Program for a specific course by submitting a Peer Tutor Request form on the ASC website. The ASC hires and assigns peer tutors to work with undergraduate students enrolled in a variety of 100-200 level courses. Peer tutors have successfully completed the courses (or similar courses) for which they provide tutoring and are recommended by professors. The tutoring appointments arranged by the ASC uphold the standards set by the university’s Honor Code. It is the student’s responsibility to abide by what is authorized and unauthorized aid in a particular course.

Strategies for Academic Success (GS 100)

This course is designed for students who want to enhance their academic achievement by strengthening their learning strategies and study skills. Course topics include effective use of study time and learning strategies (active reading, note taking, organizing, memory techniques), test preparation (study plans), test-taking techniques, time management, overcoming procrastination, goal setting, motivation, decision making, academic resilience, self-regulation, and using academic support resources on campus.

This course is coordinated through the Academic Success Center and is appropriate for all students who want to boost their academic performance and learn success strategies that can be used in a variety of learning contexts. First year students may find the fall course particularly helpful as they make the transition to college life.

Hesse Learning Resource Center

Staffed by a team of engineering peer tutors, the Hesse Learning Resource Center provides academic support and resources for all students taking classes included in the engineering program. The Hesse Scholars are trained to help guide students toward a better understanding of course content, and to focus on assisting students to develop the skills necessary to become independent learners. Located in Gellersen Center 121, the Hesse Center promotes student success through the following programs:

  • Walk-in Peer Tutoring: Monday-Thursday 10:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., and 7 - 10 p.m., Friday from 10:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m., and Sunday 7-10 p.m.
  • Course-Specific Help Sessions
  • Personalized Weekly Tutoring Schedules
  • Academic Coaching for Students in Academic Recovery

Additional details on individual tutor requests, course-specific help sessions, and walk-in tutoring schedules can be found at Questions can be directed to the Hesse Center Director at or 219.464.5210.

Language Resource Center (LRC)

Located in the College of Arts and Sciences Building, the Language Resource Center supports Valpo language learners within an internationally focused setting. The LRC welcomes all students, while providing an environment and resources that meet the particular needs and interests of students enrolled in world language courses, as well as international students.

Central in the design of the LRC is the priority placed on face-to-face communication and authentic language use among students interested in cultural and linguistic exchange. This occurs through LRC-sponsored tutoring, conversation partner pairings formally integrated into certain courses, informal learning programs, and activities sponsored by student groups. The LRC promotes academic achievement through these core programs, resources, and services:

  • Language Partner Program: Tutoring support in French, German, and Spanish; additional languages supported as needed. Chinese tutoring, coordinated through the Valparaiso University Confucius Institute, also takes place in the LRC.
  • Learning resources and reference materials: Open computer lab, comfortable study space, international film collection, global TV, study tips and reference materials, and cultural enrichment items
  • French and Spanish reading collection: Books of various genres, topics, and levels available for students to borrow or read in the LRC
  • GS 106 /GS 180 : English Conversation Partners: One credit course in which domestic and international students are paired for one-on-one weekly English conversation

Information on how to schedule a tutoring session with an LRC language partner, current LRC hours, and other details can be found at For additional assistance, please stop by the LRC in the Arts and Sciences building, Room 240; email; or call 219.464.5764.

Judith L. Beumer Writing Center

At the Writing Center, undergraduate and graduate students discuss their writing with trained, experienced writing consultants. Free individual and small group peer consultations and workshops on writing are offered to support undergraduate and graduate students in their development as writers. Sessions provide strategies and guidance on writing assignments from any discipline, at any stage in the writing process, and for writers at all skill levels. The goal is to help students become credible, confident writers.

After students register for free online, appointments can be made at All consultants working at the Writing Center are well trained and can help students with any assignment at any level, but for specific help with graduate-level writing, graduate students may want to work with a graduate or grad/undergrad consultant. Undergraduate and graduate students may also drop in since walk-in appointments are also sometimes available. For additional contact information and resources, visit

During fall and spring semesters, consultants are available Monday through Thursday, 9:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Friday 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Limited weekend hours are also available. Summer hours vary; the online schedule has a full list of available hours. The Writing Center is located on the first floor of the Christopher Center, near the IT Help Desk and Grinders. Online consultations are also available at varying times.

International Student Support

Writing consultants work closely with international students, including graduate students. Consultants enjoy working with students from programs across campus, and many have experience working with second language writers.

Housing Regulations

Learn more about Housing Regulations online.

Valparaiso University is residential by design. Living on campus represents an integral component of the mission of the institution by providing living and learning experiences which lead to a student’s growth and development, and an enhancement of one’s total education at Valpo. Because the residential experience is such an important aspect of the overall Valpo experience, Valparaiso University has a six-semester residency requirement. All undergraduate students are expected to reside in campus housing for six (6) semesters. Exceptions are made for veterans, those who will be 22 before September 1 of the academic year in question, those living with parents, spouse, or legal guardian (commuter students), and sophomore and junior fraternity men who live in recognized fraternity houses. All sophomore and junior students who return from their fall semester of international studies or other cooperative off-campus programs are required to live in University operated residence halls during the spring semester.

Graduate students may apply to live in University residence halls, however, first priority is given to undergraduate students. The University reserves the right to deny housing to individuals who are not full-time undergraduate students.

The Office of Residential Life also maintains a listing of rooms in private homes, apartments and homes for sale or rent. Students desiring such accommodations should plan to visit the campus at least six weeks before the semester of enrollment to inspect the available listings and make arrangements with the individual landlords. Every landlord whose property is listed has signed a nondiscrimination statement. The University is not involved in arrangements between students and landlords, except in the event of racial discrimination. The University provides a listing service only and does not inspect, approve, recommend, or authorize any offcampus living units.

Commuter Students

Although students are normally required to live in University residence halls, an exception is made for commuter students. A commuter student is defined as a full-time, undergraduate student who lives exclusively in the permanent or primary residence of a parent or legal guardian within approved commuting counties. For 2020-2021 the approved commuting counties are: Lake, Porter, LaPorte, Newton, Jasper, Starke, and Pulaski in Indiana; Berrien and Cass in Michigan. These counties are subject to review during the 2020-2021 school year for future elegibility. Students who otherwise would be required to live on campus may not reside at another off-campus address after registering as a commuter student. Questions related to this policy should be directed to the Office of Residential Life.


New Students will complete an Online Housing Agreement application during their summer orientation program (FOCUS). At this time they will have the opportunity to preference residence halls and submit roommate requests. All returning students who are required to live in University residence halls according to University housing regulations must complete an Upper class Housing Agreement form each year.

Assignment Policy

New freshman and transfer student assignments are made by the Office of Residential Life in the order in which their New Student Enrollment Agreements and deposits are received according to space availability.

Returning upper class student assignments are made according to the guidelines established by the Office of Residential Life. Assignments are made with the goal of establishing and developing positive residence hall communities. All upper class housing agreements received before the deadline indicated by the Office of Residential Life will be given equal consideration as outlined in the instructions for the assignment process.

The University will endeavor, but cannot guarantee, to assign accommodations according to the preferences indicated by the student.

Any request for a change in residence hall assignment must be submitted in writing and approved by the Office of Residential Life.

Residential Life adheres to the Valparaiso University non-discrimination policy in all of its programs, practices, and policies. Room assignments and changes are made without regard to race, color, or national origin.

The University reserves the right to make changes in residence hall assignments if necessary for the most effective accommodation of the student body.


The University Housing Agreement is binding on the student for the fall and spring semesters of the designated academic year. Students who breach the residency requirement of the Housing Agreement, without prior written approval, will be responsible for the entire amount of the Agreement.

Students may cancel the Housing Agreement only for the following reasons: graduation, authorized off-campus academic programs, withdrawal, marriage, or circumstances that are determined by the University, in the University’s sole discretion, to be an “Authorized Reason.” The Housing Agreement cannot be terminated solely for the purpose of living off-campus, because they match one of the exemption criteria mid-year, or to commute from home. Documentary evidence is required to demonstrate cause for cancellation. Depending on the reason for cancellation, students may be subject to a cancellation fee of up to $400. Students shall remain liable for room charges until written notice is received and cancellation approval is given by the Assistant Dean of Students for Residential Life or their designee.

Vacation Periods

The residence halls close at 12:00 noon on the day following the last day of classes or final exams prior to the Thanksgiving, semester, and spring breaks. The halls reopen at 12:00 noon on the day prior to resumption of classes following the Thanksgiving and spring breaks, and at 12:00 noon on the day prior to official spring semester registration and orientation activities following the semester break. Residence Hall accommodations are available during vacation periods for international students and other residents who meet certain criteria. Contact the Office of Residential Life for more information.


Preferences should be listed on the housing application. All roommate requests must be mutually indicated by both students. New students are notified in July of their roommate assignments.

Arrival at the residence hall for new students and new transfer students should coincide with the first day of orientation activities. All students are expected to report immediately to their assigned residence halls when they arrive on campus.


All rooms in the University residence halls are provided with the necessary basic furniture. Occupants supply their own bedding, pillows, towels, lamps and floor coverings if desired. Washers and dryers are also provided within each residence hall. Draperies are provided. Further information is available from the Office of Residential Life.

University residence halls are staffed by full-time professional residential learning coordinators, undergraduate paraprofessional assistant coordinators, and resident assistants.

All students residing in University owned residence halls are financially responsible for damage to rooms, furnishings, and equipment. Residence Hall staff members report such damage to the Finance Office and the student or the parent is billed for the cost of repair or replacement.

Dining Locations and Dining Plans

Dining Locations

The primary venues for undergraduate dining are located in the Harre Union which features two dining locations, the Founders Table and the Campus Café. In addition, Grinders coffee shop is located in the Christopher Center.

Founders Table is located on the east side of the Harre Union and is open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner Monday through Friday, as well as for brunch and dinner on Saturday and Sunday. Founders Table features a wide variety of offerings, which include four display cooking stations that offer ethnic, vegetarian, and home-style favorites. A Grab and Go area provides a variety of items including desserts, sandwiches, wraps, sushi, salads, and fresh fruit.

The Campus Café is located near the book store in the Harre Union and is open for lunch, dinner, and late night snacks, along with a wide selection of groceries and convenience items. The Campus Café offers Grab and Go readymade selections, Perks Coffee shop featuring specialty coffee drinks from Starbucks, salads, crepes, rice bowls, and smoothies. The Pizzazz area offers selections such as pizza, grilled items, and appetizers.

Grinders coffee shop is located on the lower level of the Christopher Center for Library and Information Resources. Grinders is open late most evenings and serves a wide variety of specialty coffee drinks from Starbucks, a deli sandwich bar, and a variety of grab and go items, including pastries, salads, and wraps.

Dining Plans

Dining Plans are all à la carte, which means all items are purchased on a declining balance and are priced on an individual basis. Students begin each semester with a set amount of dollars for purchasing à la carte items and are not limited to a fixed number of meals. À la carte plans provide flexibility when making meal purchases, as students only pay for what they choose to eat, when they choose to eat. All students living in residence halls, who are freshman, sophomore, or junior classification, other than sorority members living in Scheele Hall, are required to purchase the Dining Plan associated with the student’s classification. Students are required to purchase a
meal plan until they have reached senior classification.

The mandatory rates are posted on page 396. The dollars remaining, after the reduction of a $100 administrative fee, may be used to make purchases in the University’s dining facilities. Student ID cards have the Dining Plan encoded and are used for purchases at University dining locations.

All Dining Plans require two semesters of buy-in. Unused balances will be rolled over from the fall semester only and added to the spring semester buy-in as long as the student has purchased a plan for the spring semester. The rollover amount is automatically added to the student’s account. If a student does not sign up for a spring plan, then they forfeit the remaining dollars. Unused balances at the end of the spring semester are not refunded or carried over. Dining plans are non-refundable.

If a student has special dietary needs such as medical restrictions or vegetarian/vegan diets, they can be accommodated by contacting the Dining Services online at, by email at, or in the dining office located in the Harre Union, room 170.