Mar 03, 2025  
2025-2026 General Catalog 
2025-2026 General Catalog

Tuition and Fees

Learn more about Tuition and Fees online.

The following information pertains to undergraduate programs. Full- and part-time rates for graduate programs are published in the GRADUATE CATALOG. Tuition charges for special programs for registered nurses sponsored by the College of Nursing and Health Professions may be obtained by contacting the dean of the college or the Office of Admission.

Undergraduate Tuition and Fees, Full-Time Students

The academic year is comprised of two semesters (fall and spring), and summer sessions. Tuition and fee charges are based on the number of credit hours and the college in which the student is enrolled. Undergraduate students enrolled in 12 or more credit hours are classified as full-time students. Full-time tuition and general fee rates for the fall and spring semester are as follows:

Undergraduate Tuition, Full-Time
Full Time (12-19 credit hours) $24,410 per semester
Above 19 credit hours $1,836 per credit hour
Undergraduate General Fee, Full-Time
12 or more credit hours $785 per semester

The general fee is used to defray the costs of Student Senate, co-curricular activities, the Fitness Center, health services, computer equipment, and technology.

Undergraduate Tuition and Fees, Part-Time Students

Undergraduate students enrolled in fewer than 12 credit hours are classified as part-time students. Part-time tuition and general fee rates for the fall and spring semester are as follows:

Undergraduate Tuition, Part-Time
Enrolled in fewer than 12 credit hours $1,840 per credit hour
Undergraduate General Fee, Part-Time
Enrolled in fewer than 12 credit hours $140 per semester

The part-time general fee excludes the use of the Fitness Center and health services.

Room and Board Rates

All rates given are per semester; the academic year is comprised of two semesters.

Room Rates
  Double $4,099 per semester
  Single $5,916 per semester
  Double $4,277 per semester
  Single $6,077 per semester
Wehrenberg, Guild, and Memorial
  Double $4,571 per semester
  Single $6,645 per semester
  Double $4,571 per semester
  Single $6,645 per semester
  Double $5,618 per semester
Promenade Apartments $5,948 per semester
Sorority Housing $5,618 per semester

Meal Plans

For additional information concerning Valparaiso University meal plans, please visit

Open Access + $250 (1st/2nd year students) $2,833 per semester  
225 Block + $250 (3rdyear students) $2,564 per semester  
160 Block + $500 (4th year students) $2,434 per semester  
14 Meals weekly (3rd/4th year students) $2,000 per semester  
Open Access + $500 (Open to University Community) $3,069 per semester  

Other Fees

First-Year Program-$165 

This fee helps cover the additional programming and attention given to students as they transition into Valpo. It is required of all new students, both resident and commuter. It is not refundable.

Enrollment Deposit-$200

This fee is required of all new students, both resident and commuter.

Department of Education Fee for Criminal Background Check (cost varies)

All students must also undergo an annual criminal background check using the department’s designated online background check service. The fee for this service is paid directly by students with a credit card to this service company.

Performance Music Fees-$400/$185

The University encourages students to continue performance music instruction by charging modest fees for private and class lessons. Students pay a fee of $400 per semester, per course, for instruction in private lessons. Students enrolled in functional piano lessons pay a fee of $185 per semester, per course. There is no additional charge for use of an instrument or practice room. Performance music fees are not refundable after the tenth class day of a semester.

Engineering Fee-$420 per semester

The Engineering Fee is assigned to all students enrolled in the College of Engineering, pre-engineering students enrolled in engineering courses, and non-engineering students enrolled in GE 100 or that have received the approval of the dean of Engineering to enroll in more than one engineering course. Engineering students on a co-op semester or study abroad semester that are not enrolled in any other engineering course will not be charged the Engineering Fee for that semester. Exceptions to this fee may be granted by the vice president for Administration and Finance or the dean of Engineering.

Undergraduate Cooperative Education Programs-$530 per credit hour

All Fees are Subject to Change

Nursing Liability Insurance-$40

In connection with the clinical practice component of the nursing program, all students in the Nursing program, beginning with the sophomore year, must secure and provide proof of professional and personal liability insurance.

Nursing, HL, HS, PH, XS Examsoft Fee-$82

Nursing Lab Fee-$150

This fee is charged when applicable.

Nursing Testing Fee-$1515

This fee is payable by each nursing student entering the sophomore year.

Nursing Immunization and Clinical Tracker - $154

Social Work Lab Fee-$350 (juniors and seniors), $90 (sophomores/first-year students)

This annual fee is required of social work majors. It covers field fees as well as the costs of multiple expected events. This fee is billed at the beginning of the fall semester.

Study Abroad, Cambridge, England- $5,000

Each participant pays this fee.

Study Abroad, Reutlingen, Germany-$5,000

Each participant pays this fee.

Study Abroad, San José, Costa Rica-$4,600

Each participant pays this fee.

Study Abroad, Hangzhou, China-$5,000

Each participant pays this fee.

Transcript-$10.61 per official transcript

There is a $10.61 fee for each official transcript ordered online through Valparaiso University’s approved transcript vendor and delivered electronically. An additional fee applies for shipping a paper transcript.

Returned Check Fees-$30

A $30 fee will be charged for each check returned by the bank due to insufficient funds, closed accounts, etc. 

Vehicle Registration

All vehicles (including motorcycles and mopeds) parking on Valparaiso University property must be registered with the Parking and Transportation office and must display a valid registration permit. Students may only park in designated parking lots corresponding to the colored permit affixed to their vehicle. Valparaiso University has three types of parking lots for student use: Long Term, Resident, and Commuter. All permits (except Red Permits) will have access to Long Term parking lots (Green), in addition to the specific lots as granted by the permit. Resident parking is granted by either a Red or Blue Permit and Commuter parking is granted by an Orange Permit.
Additional details including regulations, fines, and maps are available at:


Freshmen residential students are not permitted to park on campus without an approved waiver (available on the parking website) and a completed permit application. Once approved, Freshmen may purchase a Red Permit. A Red Permit is $155 per semester, or $260 per year. The Red Permit does not include the Long Term lots (Green).


Residential Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors, and Graduate students may purchase either a Green or Blue Permit. A Green permit is $100 per semester, or $150 per year. A Blue Permit is $155 per semester, or $260 per year.

Commuter Students

Commuter students may purchase an Orange Permit. An Orange Permit is $150 per semester, or $250 per year.

Permit Replacement Fee-$15

This fee will be charged for a replacement Registration Permit.

Student Health Insurance and Services

Students are required to carry their own comparable health insurance or purchase health insurance sponsored by the University that covers the student in the Valparaiso area. On an annual basis, all domestic full-time undergraduate, graduate, all CONHP, and DARC students will be required to either provide their existing health insurance information or enroll in the university-sponsored plan, through an online process. Students who take no action by the first day of the fall semester will be automatically enrolled in and billed for the university-sponsored plan.

All international students will automatically be enrolled in and billed for the university-sponsored plan except for students from sponsoring countries that provide health insurance.

Medical services provided by the Health Center will be billed to the student’s medical plan provided at the time of service. Students and/or their legal guardian are responsible for the costs of treatment not covered by the student’s medical plan. This remaining cost is applied to the student’s account and can be paid online or in person.

Payment Terms

Fall and Spring amounts are due to the University before classes begin.

Semester Payment Due Dates  
  Full Summer/ Summer I June 10  
  Summer II July 20  
  Fall August 15  
  Spring January 5  

Students will be able to view their statements on the Student Account Center. These statements can be accessed through DataVU/Student Accounts/Student Account Center Access. Charges for the summer session post to the account after the add/drop period. Students will be able to view charges for the fall and spring semester prior to classes beginning to aid students and families in setting up university payment plans. You can view the payment plan options and set up payment plans at

Each student registering at Valparaiso University assumes responsibility to pay all University-related expenses not covered by financial aid. Students who do not have sufficient financial aid, are not already enrolled in a monthly payment plan, and have not paid their initial semester charges (tuition, general fee, room and board) by the semester due date will have an account restriction placed on the students’ accounts that will suspend student services.

Students who withdraw from the University must make arrangements to meet all outstanding financial obligations to the University. Examples of such obligations are tuition and fees, room and board, library fines, health fees, parking violations, etc. The student’s transcript is not released until payment of all obligations has been made.

Each graduating student must pay any remaining financial obligations to the University before graduation. No degree is conferred upon for a student whose account with the University has not been settled in full.

Loans such as Valparaiso University Student Loans become due as stated in the promissory note signed by the student. 

Delinquent Accounts

Each student registering at Valparaiso University assumes responsibility to pay all University-related expenses not covered by financial aid. Students who have not secured sufficient financial aid, who have a delinquent or insufficient monthly payment plan, and/or have not paid posted account charges after 30 days will be considered delinquent.

If a satisfactory plan is not arranged, or if payments are not made in accordance with the payment plan and due dates, the entire balance shall be immediately due and payable, and the University has the right to take steps to collect the balance, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • excluding the student from classes and other campus services;
  • withholding course grades and diploma until the balance is paid;
  • turning the student’s account over to a collection agency; or
  • taking legal action to collect the balance due.

The student authorizes the University to release financial information about his/her account and other information useful in verifying the charges on the account to those concerned with collecting the balance due. In the event of collection efforts, procedures, or a suit to collect unpaid balances on the student’s account and/or institutional loans, the student agrees to be charged and pay all of the University’s fees for collections, including legal fees, not to exceed 50% of the entire outstanding balance. Delinquent accounts may be reported to credit bureaus and bear interest at 6% per annum.

Educational Expense Payment Plan

Valparaiso University partners with a third party provider to offer a deferred payment plan for the convenience of those students and parents who may wish to spread payment over the semester. Under the plan, monthly payments may be arranged for the payment of tuition, fees, room and board. The payment plan provider offers a plan for each fall and spring semester. The enrollment fee is $30 for the semester plan.

VA Pending Payment Compliance

In accordance with Title 38 US Code § 3679 subsection (e), this school adopts the following additional provisions for any students using U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Post 9/11 GI Bill® (Ch. 33) or Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment (Ch. 31) benefits, while payment to the institution is pending from the VA. This school will not:

  • Prevent the student’s enrollment;
  • Assess a late penalty fee to the student;
  • Require the student to secure alternative or additional funding;
  • Deny the student access to any resources (access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities) available to other students who have satisfied their tuition and fee bills to the institution.

However, to qualify for this provision, such students will be required to:

  • Provide the enrolling institution with a copy of his/her VA Certification of Eligibility (COE)
  • A “certificate of eligibility” can also include a “Statement of Benefits” obtained from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) website; eBenefits; or a VAF 28-1905 form, for chapter 31 authorization purposes.

Additional criteria to qualify for this provision are also required for such students and listed below:

  • Each semester, the student must also complete and submit our VA Enrollment Verification Form.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at