The practice doctorate is designed for nurses seeking a terminal degree in nursing practice. The Post-Master’s DNP curriculum builds on the master’s program by providing education in evidence-based practice, quality improvement, and systems thinking among other key areas. DNP graduates will likely seek practice leadership roles such as advanced practice nurses, managers of quality initiatives, executives in healthcare organizations, directors of clinical programs, and faculty responsible for clinical program delivery and clinical teaching.
At the completion of the 35-credit program, the graduate will be able to:
- Assume the role of the advanced practice registered nurse to provide independent and collaborative healthcare based on evidence, scientific knowledge, and science-based theory
- Demonstrate organizational and system leadership to improve the quality of healthcare for persons
- Design, implement, and evaluate strategies to address the environmental influences of culture, economics, ethics, law, policy, politics, society, and technology on health outcomes
- Engage in the processes of clinical judgment, communication, and compassionate care while incorporating ethics, evidence-based practice, health policy, social determinants of health and diversity, equity and inclusion as an advanced practice registered nurse.
In addition to completing the graduate admission requirements (see here ), students applying to the DNP program must submit the following materials:
- A completed Post-MSN DNP application form
- Official transcripts from an accredited Master of Science in Nursing program indicating a 3.25 grade point average or above
- Evidence of an unencumbered Registered Nurse license in the state in which clinical coursework will be completed
- Copy of all registered nurse licenses
- Copy of current APN certification for advanced practice nursing specialty
- A 2-page essay relating doctoral study to professional goals
- Portfolio to include curriculum vita/résumé that includes a description of current and past clinical practice as well as any presentations and/or publications
- Completed validation of supervised clinical practice hours form*
- Letters of recommendation from three clinical peers/supervisors who attest to communication and clinical competence. (Valparaiso University alumni need only submit two letters of recommendation)
*To meet the requirements of the DNP Essentials, certified APNs entering the Post-MSN DNP program must have completed at least 500 supervised clinical practice hours in their MSN coursework. Students who have not fulfilled this requirement must complete the outstanding hours within a 1-credit independent study course in addition to regular program requirements.
Prior to beginning the first DNP Project course, students must submit evidence of a current nursing license, medical/health insurance, CPR certification, TB skin test results, immunizations (Tdap, MMR, Hepatitis B, Varicella, and annual influenza), a statement of good health, clear criminal background check, and a negative drug screen. These items must be uploaded on a tracker purchased through the College of Nursing and Health Professions. The clinical clearance items must be updated annually and must be current through the end of the semester.
Advising in the Doctor of Nursing Practice program is done by an appointed faculty advisor within the College of Nursing and Health Professions. The major for this program is Advanced Practice Nursing.
Progression Requirements
Students who are on academic probation, due to low GPA or the receipt of two grades below B-, are not eligible to proceed to the NUR 799 series until academic deficiencies are resolved. Students must achieve a grade of B- or higher in NUR 771 to progress to the NUR 799 series. All additional college academic policies apply to the DNP program.
Nursing Liability Insurance
In connection with the clinical practice component of the nursing program, all students in the Post- Master’s DNP program, beginning with their first DNP Project course, must secure professional liability insurance provided by the University.
Program Requirements
The Post Master’s Doctor of Nursing Practice program is only available to students who have been admitted into the DNP program. Post-MSN DNP students must meet the admission, progression, and graduation requirements of the GRADUATE CATALOG. All course requirements must be taken in residence. Post Master’s DNP students are required to come to campus for one immersion/intensive experience to deliver their poster and oral presentation at the completion of their studies.
Prior to beginning NUR 799, students must submit evidence of a current nursing license, medical/health insurance, CPR certification, TB skin test results, immunizations (Tdap, MMR, Hepatitis B, Varicella, and annual influenza), a statement of good health, clear criminal background check, and a negative drug screen. These items must be uploaded on a tracker purchased through the College of Nursing and Health Professions. The clinical clearance items must be updated annually and must be current through the end of the semester.
Policy for Readmission for All DNP Students
DNP students who leave in good academic standing may resume enrollment in the program within three years after taking their first course by enrolling in courses required to complete the degree requirements. If a DNP student is on leave from the program for 3-5 years, the completed coursework will be reviewed and an individualized program for completion will be determined by the assistant dean of graduate nursing based on the courses taken, the current information needed for advanced nursing practice, and student experience. Student remediation may be part of this individualized program. Students who have left the DNP program in good academic standing and wish to re-enroll in the programs five years or more after taking their first course in the graduate program will have their transcripts reviewed on an individual basis. Readmission to the program may require retaking courses and/or remediation.
In addition to the College of Nursing and Health Professions policy for readmission, all DNP students must follow the graduate readmission procedures. All academic policies apply to the DNP program.